Where'd You Go, Bernadette Free Online tt2365580 tamil USA Watch Here DVD9
User Ratings 7,4 / 10
Runtime 109Minutes
info A loving mom becomes compelled to reconnect with her creative passions after years of sacrificing herself for her family. Her leap of faith takes her on an epic adventure that jump-starts her life and leads to her triumphant rediscovery
Richard Linklater
I love how she casually throws her clutch. Hahahaha. Plot twist, this is a Spin Off of the good place. C2 bfdonde est c3 a1s 2c bernadette 3f free online 2. She needs oscar for all the roles she has performed. She just makes me love her character even if its bad or evil character And thats what i appreaciate in actress or actor. ' being attractive doesn't preclude being intelligent' Thanks for making this brave statement that no one doesn't already understand.
C2 bfdonde est c3 a1s 2c bernadette 3f free online light. Am I the only one who thinks that she's got broad and sharp shoulders 🤔🤔🤔. ¿Donde estás, Bernadette? Free online. ¿donde estás bernadette free online book. This is the perfect mix of comedy, mystery, and humour for me! Definitely watching this. Love that Sandra and Cate starred in Ocean's 8 together 4 years later. (and FTR, i would have given this Oscar to Sandra. That final scene where she's on a bench talking to herself going completely mad is one of the finest pieces of acting in film history.
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That final line is funny. 😁. ¿Donde estÃs, Bernadette? free online dating. This is what I aspire to be😂. Cate Blanchett is the most beautiful woman in the world. ¿donde estás bernadette free online classes. This movie reminds me of something. 1:23 aww, cate, youre like literally my favorite actress! ❤️❤️❤️. Yeah can we get The most generic comedy background music possible for the trailer? No, that's not generic enough. This is another heartwarming, boring Indie, gee look at me I am clever film. Bernadette Fox (Cate Blanchett) is a great architect who took 20 years off after she got married and had a child. She is introverted and nearly agoraphobic outside of her immediate family. Her daughter wants to travel to Antarctica for Christmas vacation. Bernadette calculates how many people will be on board. We get a flashback of her life and understand her a little more.
The "where" part is in part symbolic of her mind as to where her head is at. It is well-acted. Feel good. Put you to sleep film. Watch once and forget in two days.
Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
I actually like seeing Judi Dench reaction to seeing Cate win that Oscar. Ela é muito divertida. Kkkkkk. ¿donde estás bernadette free online games. ¿donde estás bernadette free online play. GRADE: C
IN BRIEF: Despite strong work by Ms. Blanchett, the film goes nowhere.
JIM'S REVIEW: Director / Writer Richard Linklater's belabored dramedy, Where'd You Go, Bernadette, asks the wrong question. A more accurate inquiry would have been Who Would Want to Find Bernadette? The film is missing more than the question mark in its title.
Bernadette Fox is depressed and unhappy. Once a famous architect, she quickly traded in her fifteen minutes of fame for the good life in Seattle with her wealthy executive husband, Elgin, and independent daughter, Bee. Bernadette has a very low tolerance for everyone and everything, except possibly her family. A self-imposed recluse suffering from bipolar disorder, she either avoids any contact with the outside world or has frequent skirmishes with the neighbors, PTA mothers, or anyone who looks in her direction. She dislikes mankind and would rather spend her days self-medicated or hurling cynical asides about life's inadequacies. Calling her eccentric only hints at her troubled soul. A quick look at her untidy and cluttered home points to deeper issues that no one seems willing to address. In Bernadette's mind, escaping the real world is her best solution. So one day, Bernadette has reached her limit and goes all gone girl to avoid a family outing to Antarctica. The search is on.
Cate Blanchett play this misanthrope and this actress ably shows her character's confused state of mind with the right mix of sardonic humor and dread. As the story unfolds, she creates a woman on the verge of a mental breakdown. (There is a wonderful gem of a scene in the film where mother and daughter are affectionately singing aloud in her car and Ms. Blanchett exposes the character's vulnerability most unexpectedly. If only the film had more of these moments. Certainly Ms. Blanchett makes Bernadette a memorable if not totally likable character and her performance is reason enough to see this film, despite its flawed narrative.
Where'd You Go, Bernadette is based on Maria Semple's popular best-seller, but this film adaptation lacks wit or focus. The problem is the screenplay, co-written by Mr. Linklater, Holly Gent, and Vincent Palmo Jr. can't decide whether to emphasize the comic situations or be a straight drama. Most of the set-ups feel contrived, the jokes are not as funny as intended, and the mystery of her disappearance is not all that compelling. The characters never resemble real people, which would be fine if this were a farce, but it's not. The whole pacing of the film seems askew as the movie veers from social satire to pure melodrama. The movie never fully commits to its storytelling or its characters and the plot becomes more absurd as the film progresses to its concluding search party scenes. (There is another subplot about cyber hacking that is quickly introduced in one scene and discarded in the next, adding nothing to the story but confusion.)
The film remains well cast with Kristen Wiig as Audrey, Bernadette's main nemesis and frustrated neighbor, Billy Crudup as her beleaguered husband, and newcomer Emma Nelson as Bernadette's loyal and inquisitive daughter (a very winning debut. Adding solid support in minor roles are Judy Greer, Kate Burton, and Lawrence Fishburne. The appearances of Steve Zahn, Megan Mullally, and David Payner are wasted in their small parts.
Where'd You Go, Bernadette makes moviegoers wonder where did Mr. Linklater go. This talented filmmaker never quite gets control of his film. With all the talent involved in front and behind the camera, this film becomes one of the year's major disappointments.
Troian is flawless.
C2 bfdonde est c3 a1s 2c bernadette 3f free online sport. This trailer gave me Type 2. She should get an Oscar for elegance alone. C2 bfdonde est c3 a1s 2c bernadette 3f free online review.
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